SONIC FAN's CHARACTER PROFILES -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Jackerey Prower Jackerey Prower is the cousin of Miles Prower, aka Tails. Jackerey Prower's villiage was attacked by Robotnik when Jackerey was only 8 years old. His parents were robotocized live on the Robotnik Show, a memory that will haunt Jackerey for the rest of his days. He escaped the evil Robotnik and went to find Tails. He found Tails and joined the Knothole freedom fighters. He walks around Knothole and he goes on missions sometimes, when he is bored. Bob Prower Bob Prower, Tails' uncle, was born in Mobius Ireland. One day he was drinking a Guiness and jamming to Riverdance. JUST THEN PADDY O' KEEFE FALLS THROUGH THE ROOF! Paddy said "Hey Bob, want to join the furry IRA?" Bob said "OK" So Bob joined the furry IRA but there wasn't much stuff for them to do, until Robotnik showed up. Then they fought Robotnik but Robotnik robotocized most of the organization. So they went their seperate ways. Bob went on a 10 year pub crawl. Then one day he woke up with a huge hangover and the first thing he heard was "Doo doo doo doo doo IT'S THE ROBOTNIK SHOW!!!!!!!!" "AHhhHH FOCK!" said Bob. Then Tails and Sonic showed up at the door of his trailer and that's when his adventures with the freedom fighters began. Rabbi Prower Rabbi Prower is another one of Tails' uncles. He owned a Kosher Deli, but when Robotnik attacked he moved it to Knothole. Robo-Prower A robotic fox created by Robotnik. Not much else to say. Rabbit Rabbot Bunnie's long lost dad. Sonic found him in the basement of Robotnik Studios. Read the stories these characters appeared in! go to send email too