------AUTHOR'S NOTES----- This is a revision of Sonic Fights Robotnik 7, this is version 2.5. ------------------ LEGAL STUFF Fock Ken Penrder END OF LEGAL STUFF And now for the story SONIC FIGHTS ROBOTNIK 7 Sonic's Next Adventure by SONIC FAN! Chapter 1 Mobius blew up BABABABABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! Due to the "chaos effect" there was a time reversal and that saved every body. Also every body on Mobius was still deroboticeizd, Chapter 2 As Robotnik was still alive the freedom fighters has to fight hima again. Bunnie was now not part robot and had to adjust to it. Antoine was in love with bunnie, romance? Also address was the issue of Rotor's sexality a point of quations for some time now. But dimensional portals were opening everywhere all over mobius. New badniks, and new heroes landed on the planet. Many epic fights took place, it was the biggest battle of all time. "JUOCE TIME" hollered Sonic His friends cheered him on as he killed the billions of robot enemies. One day it looked like they won but Commanded Packbell had returned as The Ultimate Packbell, a new version upgraded by Robotnik. Sonic and Packbell clash! DAABOOM!! CHUUCCH!! BBBEERRRRAAAMMM!!!! Lasers! BEBWEWUUEEBWYEYW!!!! "arrg!" SONIC SPINS ZZZZZZZEEEEEEEEEBAAAAAAAAMMMM "go sonic go!" said Tails CHAOS POWERS COLLIDE!! WWAAAAAAAAAABLAMBABLAMBLAMBAMBLAMBAABLAM!!!!!! In an explosion of Chaos energy sonic vanished!! THE END To be continued in Sonic Fights Robotnik 8: No More Hedgehogs Authors note: I will probably revise this story again in the future until then this can be considered canon